Marcel Kreuzer

Marcel Kreuzer lives and works as a freelance artist and illustrator in Cologne. Strong lines and monochrome surfaces are characteristic of his illustrations, murals, sculptures and prints. His reduced – often seemingly naive drawings – are full of irony and also drive on the repetition of certain motifs.

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Lives and works:

Analogue & digital

Stumpf ist Trumpf



  • Plante Smiley by Marcel Kreuzer
  • Plante Smiley by Marcel Kreuzer
  • Plante Smiley by Marcel Kreuzer

Plante Smiley by Marcel Kreuzer

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Vibrant art prints, sustainable production, screen printing's special characteristics. Vibrant art prints, sustainable production, screen printing's special characteristics. Vibrant art prints, sustainable production, screen printing's special characteristics. Vibrant art prints, sustainable production, screen printing's special characteristics.